Call for Abstract

International Conference and Summit on Industrial and Pharmaceutical Microbiology, will be organized around the theme “Industrial Microbiology: Innovations and Development for future”

Industrial Microbiology 2016 is comprised of 19 tracks and 136 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Industrial Microbiology 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Industrial microbiology may be defined as the study of the large-scale and profit motivated production of microorganisms or their products for direct use, or as inputs in the manufacture of other goods. Thus yeasts may be produced for direct consumption asfood for humans or as animal feed, or for use in bread-making; their product, ethanol,may also be consumed in the form of alcoholic beverages, or used in the manufacture of perfumes, pharmaceuticals industry, etc. Industrial microbiology is clearly a branch of biotechnology and includes the traditional and nucleic acid aspects.

Pharmaceutical microbiology is the applied branch of microbiology which allows pharmacists to manufacture pharmaceuticals from microorganisms either directly or with the use of some product produced by them.  Other aspects of pharmaceutical microbiology include research and development for manufacturing of various anti- tumours, anti-microbial agents.

  • Track 1-1Nature of Industrial Microbiology
  • Track 1-2Characteristics of Industrial Microbiology
  • Track 1-3Industrial vs medical microbiology
  • Track 1-4Free communication of procedures in industrial microbiology
  • Track 1-5Patents and Intellectual Property Rights in Industrial Microbiology
  • Track 1-6The Use of the Word ‘Fermentation’ in Industrial Microbiology
  • Track 1-7Cellulose, hemi-celluloses and lignin in plant materials
  • Track 1-8Potential use of Microbes
  • Track 1-9Patent and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Track 1-10Recent advances in Industrial Microbiology
  • Track 1-11Industrial control systems
  • Track 1-12Recent trends in drug dilevery
  • Track 1-13Drug discovery and Development

Apparently, harmless and beneficial bacteria far outnumber the harmful varieties. Microbes are vital to the environment because they participate in the Earth's element cycles like the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Microorganisms are involved in the production of oxygen, biomass control and 'cleaning' the Earth of remnants of dead organisms. Some microbes also lead a symbiotic type of lifestyle in most multicellular organisms. The community of beneficial microorganisms living in human intestines is called microflora. Because microorganisms are capable of producing so many enzymes necessary for the building up and breaking down of organic compounds, so some microorganisms very useful in industrial biotechnology purpose.

  • Track 2-1Characteristics Important of Microbes Used in industry
  • Track 2-2Microbes in Food Industry
  • Track 2-3Beverages industry beneficial microbes
  • Track 2-4Microorganisms in Medicines and healthcare industry
  • Track 2-5Natural, laboratory selected mutants and GMO
  • Track 2-6Microorganisms in Enzyme Industry
  • Track 2-7Microorganisms for waste treatment
  • Track 2-8Microorganisms in Agriculture Industry
  • Track 2-9viruses In Industrial Microbiology
  • Track 2-10Microorganisms in Biofuels and Petroleum
  • Track 2-11Microbiology and cosmetic Industry

A fermentor (or fermenter) is a vessel for the growth of microorganisms which, while not permitting contamination, enables the provision of conditions necessary for the maximal production of the desired products. In other words, the fermentor ideally should make it possible to provide the organism growing within it with optimal PH, temperature, oxygen and other environmental conditions. In the chemical industry, vessels in which reactions take place are called reactors. Fermentors are therefore also known as bioreactors.Fermentors may be liquid, also known as submerged or solid state, also known assurface. Most fermentors used in industry are of the submerged type, because the submerged fermentor saves space and is more amenable to engineering control and design.

  • Track 3-1Fermentation and fermenter design
  • Track 3-2Fermenter development and various configurations
  • Track 3-3Aeration and Agitation
  • Track 3-4Temperature and Foam control
  • Track 3-5Scale up challenges
  • Track 3-6Extraction of Fermentation Products
  • Track 3-7Microbial Experimentation in the Fermentation Industry
  • Track 3-8Designing a fermenter according to organism’s physiology
  • Track 3-9Non-traditional fermentation
  • Track 3-10Industrial control systems

The use of a good, adequate, and industrially usable medium is as important as the deployment of a suitable microorganism in industrial microbiology. Unless the medium is adequate, no matter how innately productive the organism is, it will not be possible to harness the organism’s full industrial potentials. Indeed not only may the production of the desired product be reduced but toxic materials may be produced. Liquid media are generally employed in industry because they require less space, are more amenable to engineering and bioprocess, and eliminate the cost of providing agar and other solid agents.

  • Track 4-1The Basic Nutrient Requirements of Industrial Media
  • Track 4-2Criteria for the Choice of Raw Materials Used in Industrial Media
  • Track 4-3Some Raw Materials Used in Compounding Industrial Media
  • Track 4-4The Use of Plant Waste Materials in Industrial Microbiology Media
  • Track 4-5Some Potential Sources of Components of Industrial Media

In the microbiology laboratory, sterility is a most important consideration and ways of achieving it form the earliest portions of the training of a microbiologist. In the industrial fermentation  contamination by unwanted organisms could pose serious problems because of the vastly increased scale of the operation in comparison with laboratory work. If Pediococus streptococcus damnosus which causes sourness in beer were to contaminate the fermentation tanks of a brewery then hundreds of thousands of liters of beer may have to be discarded, with consequent loss in revenue to the brewery. The situation would be similar if a penicillianase-producing Bacillus sps. were to contaminate a penicillin  fermentation, or lytic phages an acetone-butanol mash.


  • Track 5-1The Basis of Loss by Contaminants
  • Track 5-2Methods of Achieving Sterility
  • Track 5-3Aspects of Sterilization in Industry
  • Track 5-4Viruses (Phages) in Industrial Microbiology
  • Track 5-5Morphological grouping of bacteriophages
  • Track 5-6Prevention of phage contamination

Technological applications that make use microbes or their derivatives to make or modify specific products are used microbial biotechnology. Microbes whether cultured or genetically modified organisms serve the base of microbial biotechnology. Analysis and manipulation of microbial potential has endowed the marvellous growth in Industrial and Pharmaceutical Microbiology.  The microbial biotechnology covers activities, ranging from production of recombinant human hormones to that of microbial insecticides, from mineral leaching to bioremediation of toxic wastes.

  • Track 6-1Microorganisms as tool
  • Track 6-2Microbial proteins as reporters
  • Track 6-3Microbial biotechnology against bioweapons
  • Track 6-4Bioterrorism

Microorganisms are cultivated on a large scale for use as food and animal feed. Yeast, fungi, and algae are produced from readily cheap nutrient media but are good source of proteins, vitamins and other organic supplements. Food microbiology and fermentation industry does not only focus on the area of food production from microbes but also includes food borne diseases.  In recent years we are have scaled up production of bread, cheese, yogurt, cream, probiotics and prebiotics.

  • Track 7-1Microbiological food criteria and HACCP systems
  • Track 7-2Dairy products: cheese, yogurt, cream, coffee
  • Track 7-3Probiotics and prebiotics
  • Track 7-4Nanotechnology and probiotics
  • Track 7-5SCP: micro-organisms and production process
  • Track 7-6Production process and practices
  • Track 7-7Food product safety
  • Track 7-8Detection and Prevention of Food borne diease
  • Track 7-9Food Testing

Process of breaking starch into a sugary liquid and the conversion of this sugary liquid by fermentation to alcoholic product is termed as brewing. 

The production beverages is a process involving fermentation with active participation of microorganisms, most often yeasts. Additionally, nutrients like diammonium are added to step up the fermentation process.  Concerned alcoholic or non- alcoholic drink is developed with control and manipulated growth and activity of selected biological agents to obtain an economic gain.


  • Track 8-1Alcoholic and non-alcoholic products
  • Track 8-2Beer and Wine Production
  • Track 8-3Soft Drink Production
  • Track 8-4Indicator Organisms
  • Track 8-5Beverage Microbiology Instruments
  • Track 8-6Quality Production
  • Track 8-7Culture Media for Beverage Industry

Agricultural microbiology is a field of study concerned with plant-associated microbes whether they aim to address problems in agricultural practices or show helpful symbiotic relationships. Use of microbiology for the sustained industrial agriculture and increased food production has led to discovery of bio insecticides, bio manures.

Some boosts uptake of nutrient content, some help in building better resistance.  

  • Track 9-1Microbiology in Sustained Agriculture
  • Track 9-2Bio-manures and Bio-insecticides
  • Track 9-3Maximization of Food Production
  • Track 9-4Minimization of Ecological harm

Infections may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Medical microbiology offers methods to microbiologists to study about characteristics of pathogens, transmission modes, mechanisms by which they infect the host and grow. Microbiology techniques are being discovered and developed to diagnose and devise these infections. Furthermore, microorganisms are being commercially exploited   for production of antibiotics, antitumor, antisepticsvaccines and disinfectants.

  • Track 10-1Anti-biotics, Anti-tumors, Disinfectants and Antiseptics
  • Track 10-2Vaccines
  • Track 10-3Production of Virus Vaccines
  • Track 10-4Traditional and Modern methoda of Pharmaceuticals Production
  • Track 10-5New techniques to increase Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Compounds

Microbial biopharmaceuticals are drugs produced using microorganisms that are genetically modified or naturally occurring.  Generally Microbial cells that have been genetically engineered are used to produce biopharmaceuticals. Bioengineered microbes are often used for the commercial production of non-microbial products such as insulin, interferon, human growth hormone, and viral vaccines

  • Track 11-1Biopharmaceutical Production and Technology
  • Track 11-2Recent Innovations
  • Track 11-3Pharmaceutics and Drug delivery

Antimicrobial compounds either kills or inhibits the growth of other organism. Many microorganisms show this general phenomenon where they produce anti-microbial compounds. Antibiotics are used against bacterial as anti-fungal are against fungi. Broad spectrum antibiotics, various lytic agents which give finest array of defence system. Additional to these, there are various protein moieties which show bactericidal action, like exotoxin and bacteriocins

  • Track 12-1Method and Detection Mechanisms
  • Track 12-2Antimicrobial Efficacy Test (AET)
  • Track 12-3Endotoxins and Exotoxins
  • Track 12-4Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
  • Track 12-5Long acting antimicrobials

Viable but nonculturable (VBNC) Microorganisms are those which have lost the capability to divide but are viable that is in a state of very low metabolic activity but have the ability to become culturable once resuscitated. Current research is focused on finding of potent methods to detect these microorganisms that have significant impact on pharmaceutical industry. Ongoing development also considers potential use of VBNCs in pharmaceutical microbiology. It has been shown that numerous pathogens and non-pathogens can enter the VBNC state, and therefore it has significant implications in pharmaceutical, bioremediation, and other branches of microbiology

  • Track 13-1Characteristics and importance of VBNC
  • Track 13-2Living cells or virulent
  • Track 13-3Detetion methods
  • Track 13-4Resuscitation
  • Track 13-5VBNC and biofilms

Virology is often considered a part of microbiology or of pathology. Viruses and viral diseases have been at the centres of science, agriculture, and medicine for millennia and some of our greatest challenges and triumphs have involved virology.

Global virology market is evaluated to rise due to infectious diseases particularly, flu, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. Major factors that have accelerated global virology market are the increase in researches, care diagnostic tests and treatments developments and rise in healthcare expenditure. 

  • Track 14-1Current Focus in Virology Research
  • Track 14-2Curative Strategies for Virus Eradication
  • Track 14-3Virus Discovery, Typing and Metagenomics
  • Track 14-4Regulatory and Economical Aspects in Virology

Antimicrobial agents are used to either kill or inhibit the growth of Microorganisms. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy combination builds out understanding of the mechanisms and therapeutic applications of antimicrobials and chemotherapy.

The antimicrobial Chemotherapy has been practiced since ancient time when Peru used Indian barks to cure Malaria Microbial cell grow and divide to reach the stage of infection. To reach this stage through growth and division, microbes must take various biomolecules.  Antimicrobial Agents interfere or inhibit in the process of either growth or division resulting in prevention of infection.

  • Track 15-1Development of Chemotherapy
  • Track 15-2General Characteristics of Antimicrobial Drugs
  • Track 15-3Mechanisms of Antibacterial Drugs
  • Track 15-4Factors Influencing Effectiveness

Microbial Biofuel is a hydrocarbon fuel produced from organic matter, through contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion. Presently, main focus is on use for microorganisms to produce biofuels. Wide range of different microorganisms are used, because their capability to produce enzyme cellulase. First generation biofuel which were developed from sugars and vegetables are being replaced by second generation biofuels with biomass.

  • Track 16-1Designer biofuels
  • Track 16-2Challenges in Biofuel Production
  • Track 16-3Biodieasel and Bioethanol
  • Track 16-4Second and Third Generation Biofuels
  • Track 16-5GMOs and Yeast in Biofuel Production
  • Track 16-6Biofuels versus Fossil fuels
  • Track 16-7Algae harvesting and oil extraction systems
  • Track 16-8Commercialization of algae biofuels
  • Track 16-9Market potential of biogas reactors

Industrial Wastes, unwanted materials, result inevitably from industrial activities in the same wayas they also do in domestic ones. If allowed to accumulate on the ground, or if dumped indiscriminately into rivers and other bodies of water, unacceptable environmental problems would result. Governments the world over usually institute legislation which regulates the handling of wastes, including those resulting from industry. In the US the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the regulating agency.The activities of industrial microorganisms usually occur in large volumes of water;the resulting wastes are therefore transported in aqueous medium.

  • Track 17-1Methods for the Determination of Organic Matter Content in Waste Waters
  • Track 17-2Dissolved oxygen
  • Track 17-3The biological or biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) tests
  • Track 17-4waste water Treatment

 Biofilms are the assemblage of   microorganisms enclosed in an extracellular polymeric substance matrix. The complex process of attachment has diverse characteristics. It is a cascade process with regulated by growth medium, substratum and cell surface. Their role in infectious diseases has led to their increased importance in clinical microbiology. Better understanding and knowledge about biofilms will lead to novel and pivot control of biofilms with improved biofilm management.

  • Track 18-1Food industry biofilms
  • Track 18-2Applications in bioremediation and wastewater treatment
  • Track 18-3Biofilms in maintenance of freshwater health
  • Track 18-4Catalytic biofilms
  • Track 18-5Resistance to antimicrobial agents

Industrial Microbiology will have interactive access to information with great importance to those who wish to incubate their innovative idea/juvenile technologies and processes, for Industrial and Pharmaceutical usage of various bioactive molecules produce by microorganisms. This is the platform where entrepreneurs, investors, exhibitors and experts share their experiences and collaborate to evaluate emerging technology and approaches globally. This colloquium serves at the platform for business development and business managment.